
President - Vicki Crump, MSN, RN, NCSN

Arkansas School for the

VP - Andrea Dillon, RN   

American for the

Secretary/Webmaster - Timothy Vander Ploeg,MN, RN

Treasurer - Deb Robarge, BSN, RN, NCSN       

Indiana School for the

Past President - Jessica Lalor-Slama, RN, BSN   

WI School for the

Hi, my name is Jessica Lalor-Slama, and I currently work as a school nurse at the Wisconsin School for the Deaf.  I have been here since the 2010 school year.  Previously, I worked in an OB/GYN clinic for eight years, and in Labor and Delivery for five years.  So, needless to say, school nursing is a very different path for me, but I'm loving the change!  In addition to being a nurse at the school, I am also a part of our newly formed Wellness Committee and have a great time teaching exercise classes to school and dorm staff.  Nursing and exercise/fitness are two of my passions, so I'm very fortunate to be able to work in a setting that allows me to participate in both!

I became a member of NASND in 2013 at the conference in Iowa.  I also happened to be elected Vice President during this time, and excitedly accepted.  It was a wonderful conference, and a great opportunity to meet a lot of awesome nurses from around the country.

I am a mom of two wonderful children, Adison and Aiden.  They are very busy with various sports, and I love to watch them in everything they do.  They might say I like watching too much, as I MIGHT be rather loud in my cheering.  But I can't help it; they amaze me every day in what they can do. "Me time" includes working out and teaching group fitness classes at a local athletic club, reading, fishing, and taking trips to our place in northern Wisconsin.  I am also an avid Wisconsin sports my Brewers, Packers, and Badgers!